Tuesday, May 12, 2009

GRASS, and not the kind you smoke, well i guess you could

So we planted some grass seed about a month ago. The interesting thing is we live under five of the biggest trees you have ever seen. We are not talking redwoods but these things are huge. While we love our trees they do cause a slight problem. Our house lives in shade for half of the year and nothing really grows in the shade. We bought some shady grass seed hoping that it would grow and it did. It is not as thick as we would like but i think that will just take some time. Randi also mowed it last night which was her first time ever mowing, and it looks really good. So I present to you our grass.


zrcochran said...

Wow, I'm really impressed with how well it's come in!

And kudos to you for roping Randi into mowing it. What's your secret?

Lewis Family said...

It's official: You are rich Americans! Who else grows a whole patch of something that does absolutely nothing except look pretty when you could be growing food or something! Here's to grass!

Brooke Williams said...

it really does look amazing...no more dirt!

Blogger-In-Chief said...

Grass, the other other white/green meat!!!